
3 december 2020

“Paper and Light”

Unfortunately the book is sold out.

“Paper and Light”
Designed by -SYB-
Hard cover
17 x 24 cm
196 pages
With a text by Els Barents and Willemijn van der Zwaan translated from the Dutch by Ralph de Rijke

Text for publication “Paper and Light” written by Els Barents
Nederlandse versie  “De vele dimensies van een vel papier”
English version “The imaginary perspectives of a sheet of paper”

Text for publication “Paper and Light” written by Willemijn van der Zwaan
Nederlandse versie “Op zoek naar de essentie”
English version “In search of the essence”

This publication was generously supported a.o. by the Mondrian Fund and the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds / Tijl Fonds

3 december 2020
